Academic Excellence

At Dolphin School we place great importance on creating a stimulating and inspiring learning environment as it is in this context that the children not only feel safe enough to take risks in their learning but they thrive and enjoy it too. Realising pupils’ academic potential and striving for excellence is our aim, as is preparing them for the next step of their school journey, so that they continue to thrive and develop a life-long love of learning.

All our classrooms have been refurbished with interactive touch screen boards and our teachers are well-qualified, highly motivated and enthusiastic about the subjects they teach.

During the morning there is a focus on  English and Maths. In the Lower School pupils work in differentiated groups, supported by the Class Teacher and a Teaching Assistant. In the Upper School pupils are usually taught as a whole class but are part of either the expected group or the express group for Maths. There is an excellent teacher to pupil ratio throughout the school.

Verbal Reasoning and Non-verbal Reasoning are taught as specific subjects from Year 2. This enables the pupils to familiarise themselves with reasoning language and develop a different way of thinking, as well as become more adept at independent problem solving.

The teachers’ ability to inspire your child and the quality of teaching were rated highly by over 90% of parents.
RS Academics Survey

Homework at Dolphin consolidates class work. Pupils start with 10 minutes per night in Reception, progressing to an hour a night in Year 6. Weekends are a homework free zone as we believe that family time and time to switch off enables greater focus and more effective learning when Monday comes round again.

Every year, the Year 6 pupils successfully gain places at an array of senior schools, with many scholarships awarded in a variety of subjects.

Leavers’ Offers and Destinations