2 girls at their desks

Our Policies

Other policies can be obtained from the school office on request.


Dolphin School and Noah’s Ark Nurseries Safeguarding Statement
We believe that every child has the right to develop their full potential. 
Promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children will always take priority.
If we are worried about the safety or welfare of a child, we have a legal duty and responsibility to act on the concerns. We will discuss our concerns with parents and carers in the first instance and if necessary, make a referral to Wandsworth Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
If you wish to discuss any aspect of child protection, please speak with
Mr Adam Woodcraft, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) 020 7924 3472 ext 230.
In his absence, please speak with one of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL)
Mrs Lucy Price 0207924 3472 ext 212
Mr Jeff Schmidt 0207924 3472 ext 203
Mrs Vicki Githae 0207924 3472 ext 203