Our Journey

Dolphin School was founded in 1986 by parents committed to facilitating an education inspired at source by Christian values.  The school began with four pupils and met in a room at a central London church before significantly expanding and moving to the current premises on the vibrant and bustling Northcote Rd.

The logo and the name for the school were prompted by an image of a child riding joyfully on the back of a dolphin.  The colours of the sea, sky and dolphin are reflected in the blue, white and grey of the school uniform.  ‘Love, Wisdom and Truth’ became the overarching motto, summing up Dolphin’s rich values, and continuing to cascade strongly down the decades.

Classes were given the names of precious jewels as a reminder that each child is like a beautiful, multi – faceted stone of immense worth, made in God’s image, and cut uniquely.  Pupils begin their school life in Reception as a Diamond,  and go on to become, respectively, a Pearl, a Sapphire, a Ruby, an Emerald, a Topaz, and in their seventh and final year, an Aquamarine.

The four School Houses were chosen by Dolphin parents:

  • Aylward (yellow) after Gladys Aylward, a missionary to China;
  • Lewis (red) after CS Lewis, a writer, academic, and Christian thinker;
  • Liddell (purple) after Eric Liddell, an Olympic Gold Medalist runner, rugby union international player, and missionary;
  • Wesley (green) after John Wesley, a theologian and social reformer, and his brother Charles, a prolific hymn writer and poet.

House war cries were composed early on, and continue to be a traditional part of every Sports Day.

Throughout Dolphin School’s history, a group of parents have met each week to bring the needs of the school community to God, and to express thanks for its unique ethos.

A weekly Assembly (act of worship) to which parents are invited was an early Dolphin custom and, to this day, remains at the heart of school life.