Our Ethos

Our Christian ethos inspired our school motto, ‘Love, Wisdom, Truth.’

Our first aim is always for each child to be known and loved as an individual, and this means that relationships and communication are right at the core of all that we are.  Classes are small, and opportunities for active participation are plentiful.  Pupils grow in confidence and courage, and in valuing themselves, become able to value others too.  This creates a peaceful and encouraging atmosphere for optimal learning and character development.

As pupils explore and discover, examine and debate, they build up their knowledge of the workings and the wonders of the world.  The journey towards wisdom takes them on further, into understanding others’ perspectives, learning to be respectful of differences, and seeking to live lives of integrity.

In the mini world of the classroom, as pupils experience fairness and dignity in their interactions, they learn to be open and to trust those around them.   The journey can then encompass truth, and unhindered by the need for pretence, there is freedom for risk taking in learning, and the discovery of more Love, Wisdom and Truth