Our warm, friendly nursery schools are committed to providing your child with a learning environment, both physical and emotional, where they will flourish. Dedicated, loving staff ensure your child thrives, through creating a nurturing and stimulating environment that incites their curiosity, enables them to feel safe and secure, and inspires them to become confident learners. Our underlying Christian ethos supports all we do, as we value every child and enable them all to prosper. These first steps into school life are so important – join us to give your child the very best start on their journey into a life-long love of learning.
At Noah’s Ark, we believe that every child is a unique individual with a set of talents and interests that can be supported and built upon. Our Christian ethos, where every child is accepted and valued for who they are, fosters an environment that balances aspiration with warmth, kindness and praise. Every child has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and unlimited potential and, within a nurturing environment where close relationships with staff are key, we are committed to encouraging and supporting children to become confident, resilient learners.
Throughout our nurseries we focus on: –
Your child’s formative years are, by definition, the most important years in their life. We know that the knowledge, behaviours and beliefs they develop at this key stage in their lives form the basis for all future learning and development. At Noah’s Ark we commit to providing the very best foundation for their future learning and seek to support, encourage and nurture the special partnership between school and home.