Trips and Visits

Day Trips

School trips form an integral part of the school curriculum at Dolphin School. The trips are organised to extend the children’s learning and offer rich curriculum based experiences that can only be found outside the classroom- both in London and beyond the M25.

Prior to such a visit you will be sent information outlining the trip and your consent will be needed. Such excursions usually incur a charge.

Residential Trips

In the Upper School, pupils have an opportunity to venture further away from home where they have an opportunity to experience the wonders of the natural world and further develop their independence.

In Year 4, Dolphin pupils go away for one night in the Surrey Hills.  There they explore natural habitats, engaging in various team building activities, outdoor pursuits, as well as a raft of water activities.

In Year 5 pupils head further south to Dorset where they spend three days exploring the natural world with a focus on team building and  science. They return to school bursting with stories and recounting their many adventures.

In Year 6, our leavers have the opportunity to take part in two unforgettable three day residential trips.  The first has a History and Geography emphasis near the Jurassic Coast while the second is a much anticipated and long-held tradition of camping in the Forest of Dean. Both are filled with adventure and leave the pupils with a wealth of new memories.


In addition to trips out of school, we also have a wide variety of visitors who are invited to come into Dolphin School to enrich the curriculum. Expert visitors often bring an element of inspiration to a topic being studied, whether it is a historical character like ‘Florence Nightingale’ or ‘Aristotle’; an accomplished professional such as a chef, musician, artist or filmmaker; or other any number of other marvellously interesting people (and animals)!