World Book Day
“Once you have read a book you care about, some part of it is always with you.” – Louis L’Amour
We have had a terrific day celebrating books! All the children (and staff) have made such a huge effort to dress up and embrace the day; thank you to everyone involved!
Lower School started their day by hearing our visiting author and illustrator, Lynne Russell read her book, ‘Stinky Dog, where are you?. Afterwards, they had the opportunity to ask insightful questions and complete follow up activities in the classroom.
Year 2 then attended a workshop with Lynne where they learnt about the importance of storyboarding and how illustrations can be a helpful starting point when building a plot. This inspired them to plan and create their own stories using a storyboard and book template.
Year 3 and Year 6 looked at Charlie Mackesy’s work based on his beautiful and profound illustrations. Year 4 created book reports based on the book their chosen character was from and Year 5 created author profiles.
After break, every child was able to make a purchase from the book sale. Thanks to all of your donations, we had an abundance of high quality items on sale.
A special thank you to the parents who helped sort the books in preparation for the sale; many hands did indeed make light work!
During afternoon break, the children who wanted to stay inside were treated to Mrs Absolam, Mrs Green, Mrs Shahpazova and Miss Valori reading from their favourite books.
Amazingly, we have many bags of books left over which will be sold after school tomorrow in the Church, so please join us to pick up a few bargains!